As both Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC) are getting close to Epoch 299 (the currently supported one by the previous Claymore miners) Claymore has released an updated miner for Ethash with the new version 15.0 supporting up to Epoch 384. If you don’t know the Epoch 384 will mark the limit for the GPUs with 4GB video memory meaning that they will not be able to mine Ether anymore. Currently Ethereum Classic is at Epoch #289 or slightly ahead of Ethereum which is at Epoch #281, so make sure you update your Claymore miner before reaching #299 if you are mining any of these Ethers. Reaching Epoch #384 is probably going to happen near the end of 2020 and the next 6GB Epoch is probably going to be reached sometime around beginning of 2024 for Ethereum… that is unless we switch to PoS before that time.

Apart from the update regarding DAG Epoch support for the new version 15.0 of Claymore’s Dual Ethereum GPU miner, there is also added support for Navi cards (ETH-only mode), now the miner also sets environment variables automatically (required for 4GB AMD cards) as well as some minor bug fixes and improvements. So make sure that you update your miner for Ethash if mining ETH or ETC at the moment on your GPU mining rigs, before the software stops functioning properly at Epoch #299, you have a bit more time before that happens, but do not wait for the last minute.

For more information and to download the latest Claymore Dual ETH miner 15.0 (Windows/Linux)…

SOURCE: Crypto Mining Blog – Read entire story here.

By admin