The Goldford Fintech team in collboration with some of its partners including ICOWatchist successfully held MVP Meeting – Blocktech series (NOV). This meeting enabled Blockchain projects to privately itch their projects to both Venture Capital Firms, Private equities etc.
Six competitive project teams joined Goldford Fintech MVP meeting from the 19th to 21st November in Hong Kong. During the event, they had a one-on-one direct pitch to about 14 Venture Capitals, Traditional investment companies and Family Office representatives.
Significant milestones were reached with a number of deals being struck. The project teams are currently working and following up negotiation with VCs, companies for strategic partnership and potential investment after completing the event. Solid moves will be concluded soon and concrete announcements made  in due course.
The projects teams also had the opportunity to visit Hong Kong’s Cyberport, an innovative digital community with 1000 digital tech companies. This space is managed by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, which is wholly owned by the Hong Kong SAR Government; and OneTV, a Blockchain-based online television broadcasting platform in Hong Kong.
Goldford announced its Global Blockchain strategy during the event. It is currently implementing not less than 3 offline incubation and acceleration centres in different cities in China with support from local Governments. For those projects that got selected and participated in the MVP meeting, they will be prioritised to join ‘Goldford Acceleration Programme’ for expanding the businesses and future fund raising opportunities in China.
The next round of MVP meeting between Blockchain projects and investors will be held in coming January 2019, in parallel Goldford Fintech Team will announce much more information about the our greater China Accelerator programme.

The post Highlights of GoldFord MVP Meeting in Hong Kong appeared first on ICO Watch List Blog.

SOURCE: ICO Watch List Blog – Read entire story here.